stumpless 2.2.0
No Matches

Stumpless is a C logging library built for high performance and a rich feature set.

Basic Usage

The simplest way to get started is to use the stumplog function as a direct replacement for the standard library's syslog function:

// if you're used to doing this:
syslog( LOG_INFO | LOG_USER, "My message #%d", count );
// then you can start by changing to this:
stumplog( LOG_INFO | LOG_USER, "My message #%d", count );
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION void stumplog(int priority, const char *message,...)
Logs a message to the current target with the given priority.

If you haven't opened a target, this will log messages to the default target for the platform: on Linux this is /dev/log, on a Mac system this will be /var/run/syslog, and on a Windows machine it is the Windows Event Log. If you open a target or even a few before calling stumplog, then logs will be sent to the most recently opened target.

If you want an even shorter function call, you can use the stump() function to send a message to the current target. You can also use format specifiers just as you would with printf.

stump( "Login attempt failure #%d for user %s", count, username );
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION int stump(const char *message,...)
Logs a message to the default target.

If you don't need format specifiers, use one of the _str variants such as stump_str(): it's both faster and safer!

stump_str( "Login failure! See structured data for info." );
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION int stump_str(const char *message)
Logs a message to the default target.

If you want to open a specific target rather than using the default, then just open the one you need and start sending messages. For example, to log to a file named example.log

target = stumpless_open_file_target( "example.log" );
// uses the last opened target by default
stump( "Login attempt failure #%d for user %s", count, username );
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_target * stumpless_open_file_target(const char *name)
Opens a file target.

Sending messages over the network to something like Splunk or rsyslog is just as easy:

target = stumpless_open_udp4_target( "send-to-splunk-example",
"" ); // or use an IP
stump( "Login attempt failure #%d for user %s", count, username );
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_target * stumpless_open_udp4_target(const char *name, const char *destination)
Opens a network target for remote logging over IPv4 and UDP.

If you have multiple targets, you can send messages to a chosen target like this:

"Login attempt failure #%d for user %s",
username );
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION int stumpless_add_message(struct stumpless_target *target, const char *message,...)
Adds a message to a given target.

Severity Shorthand

It's common to specify severity levels directly in logging calls, so stumpless provides some macro functions to make this less verbose and more efficient. For example, to log messages with a severity of INFO, you can do this:

stump_i( "this gets logged as an info message" );
#define stump_i(...)
Logs a message to the current target with info severity.
Definition info.h:97

And if you want to also see source file, line number, and function name info in each message you can use stump_t() (the 't' is for trace):

stump_t( "this includes source info" );
#define stump_t(...)
Logs a message to the current target with debug severity, along with the file, line,...
Definition trace.h:106

Using these functions has the added benefit that they can be removed at compile time by simply defining the proper STUMPLESS_ENABLE_UPTO or STUMPLESS_DISABLE_DOWNTO symbols. This makes it easy to change logging levels between builds, for example to have prod and debug versions without differences in their source code.

// be sure to define this before stumpless.h gets included
// ...
// this log will go through just fine
stump_i( "I'm doing that thing you asked" );
// this debugging message is completely removed: no runtime impact whatsoever
stump_d( "DEBUG info: %d, %d, %s", thing_1, thing_2, stringy_thingy );
#define stump_d(...)
Logs a message to the current target with debug severity.
Definition debug.h:97

Check out the headers in the stumpless/level include directory named after a severity level such as alert.h to see the full list of severity shorthand functions, or severity_level_example.c to see a complete program in action.