stumpless 2.2.0
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAddressFailureA provided network address was not valid
 CArgumentEmptyA required function parameter was NULL or empty
 CArgumentTooBigA provided argument was too big, for example to fit into a buffer target
 CBufferTargetA target that will write log messages to a provided buffer, wrapping around when the end is reached
 CChainTargetA target allowing entries to be sent to a sequence of targets
 CDuplicateElementA duplicate of an already existing element was detected in an Entry
 CElementAn element of structured data
 CElementNotFoundNo element with the specified characteristics was found
 CEntryA log entry
 CFileOpenFailureCould not open a file
 CFileTargetA target allowing logs to be written to a given file
 CFileWriteFailureCould not write to a file
 CFunctionTargetA target allowing entries to be sent to a custom function
 CFunctionTargetFailureA call to a function target's log function failed
 CIndexOutOfBoundsA provided index was not in a valid range
 CInvalidFacilityA provided facility code did not conform to RFC 5424
 CInvalidIdA target or entry ID was not valid
 CInvalidSeverityA provided severity code did not conform to RFC 5424
 CMemoryAllocationFailureA memory allocation or reallocation failed
 CMemoryManagerContainer for memory management functions in Stumpless
 CNetworkProtocolUnsupportedThe given layer 3 protocol is not supported by this implementation
 CNetworkTargetNetwork targets allow traditional syslog messages to be sent to a remote server
 CParamA parameter within a structured data element
 CParamNotFoundNo param with the specified characteristics was found
 CSocketBindFailureCould not bind to a socket
 CSocketConnectFailureCould not connect to a socket
 CSocketFailureCould not create a socket
 CSocketSendFailureCould not send to a socket
 CSocketTargetSocket targets allow logs to be sent to a Unix domain socket, like the frequently used /dev/log or /var/run/syslog sockets associated with syslog daemons
 CStreamTargetA target that will write log messages to a provided I/O stream
 CStreamWriteFailureCould not write to a stream
 CStumplessExceptionA general problem has been encountered by the library
 CTargetIncompatibleThe requested operation is not valid on the given target type
 CTargetUnsupportedThe target type provided is unsupported by this implementation
 CTransportProtocolUnsupportedThe given layer 4 protocol is not supported by this implementation
 CVersionDescribes this version of Stumpless
 CWindowsEventLogCloseFailureCould not close the Windows Event Log
 CWindowsEventLogOpenFailureCould not open the Windows Event Log