stumpless 2.2.0
▼Nstumpless | |
CAddressFailure | A provided network address was not valid |
CArgumentEmpty | A required function parameter was NULL or empty |
CArgumentTooBig | A provided argument was too big, for example to fit into a buffer target |
CBufferTarget | A target that will write log messages to a provided buffer, wrapping around when the end is reached |
CChainTarget | A target allowing entries to be sent to a sequence of targets |
CDuplicateElement | A duplicate of an already existing element was detected in an Entry |
CElement | An element of structured data |
CElementNotFound | No element with the specified characteristics was found |
CEntry | A log entry |
CFileOpenFailure | Could not open a file |
CFileTarget | A target allowing logs to be written to a given file |
CFileWriteFailure | Could not write to a file |
CFunctionTarget | A target allowing entries to be sent to a custom function |
CFunctionTargetFailure | A call to a function target's log function failed |
CIndexOutOfBounds | A provided index was not in a valid range |
CInvalidFacility | A provided facility code did not conform to RFC 5424 |
CInvalidId | A target or entry ID was not valid |
CInvalidSeverity | A provided severity code did not conform to RFC 5424 |
CMemoryAllocationFailure | A memory allocation or reallocation failed |
CMemoryManager | Container for memory management functions in Stumpless |
CNetworkProtocolUnsupported | The given layer 3 protocol is not supported by this implementation |
CNetworkTarget | Network targets allow traditional syslog messages to be sent to a remote server |
CParam | A parameter within a structured data element |
CParamNotFound | No param with the specified characteristics was found |
CSocketBindFailure | Could not bind to a socket |
CSocketConnectFailure | Could not connect to a socket |
CSocketFailure | Could not create a socket |
CSocketSendFailure | Could not send to a socket |
CSocketTarget | Socket targets allow logs to be sent to a Unix domain socket, like the frequently used /dev/log or /var/run/syslog sockets associated with syslog daemons |
CSqlite3Target | |
CStreamTarget | A target that will write log messages to a provided I/O stream |
CStreamWriteFailure | Could not write to a stream |
CStumplessException | A general problem has been encountered by the library |
CTargetIncompatible | The requested operation is not valid on the given target type |
CTargetUnsupported | The target type provided is unsupported by this implementation |
CTransportProtocolUnsupported | The given layer 4 protocol is not supported by this implementation |
CVersion | Describes this version of Stumpless |
CWindowsEventLogCloseFailure | Could not close the Windows Event Log |
CWindowsEventLogOpenFailure | Could not open the Windows Event Log |