Overloaded Struct Example

C structs do not have a pattern for inheritance, and as such it is a common pattern for them to be differentiated from one another using something like a type code or enumeration. However, in an object oriented language the more common pattern is to create a parent class and inherit from it. Programs can then use features like runtime polymorphism to cleanly treat each child class in the appropriate way.

Wrapture provides a way to distinguish between different types of a struct so that it will be transparently translated to the correct class. Let’s consider a simple struct that describes an event detected by a security system. Different events come with different information attached, which should be interpreted based on the event code provided.

struct event {
  int code;
  void *data;

We can wrap the struct at a general level in the normal manner:

  - name: "SecurityEvent"
    namespace: "security_system"
      name: "event"
      includes: "security_system.h"
      # constructors...
      # destructor...

So far there is nothing special about this class definition. However, there is a static function that we want to define which will return one of the different types of events this system defines. We will define this function as most others, with one extra annotation on the return type:

      - name: "NextEvent"
        static: true
          type: "SecurityEvent *"
          overloaded: true
          name: "get_next_event"
          includes: "security_system.h"

The overloaded key tells Wrapture that this return type should be converted to a more specific class wrapping when the function is called. Any function that needs to make use of an overloaded function needs this annotation on the return type.

Next, we’ll need to break out the different types of events into their own specialized classes. The code may be any of a number of values depending on what sort of event is detected. In our example here we’ll handle events for a motion detector, a glass break sensor, and a camera recording. Assuming that there are well-named #defines for these codes, we can create their classes like this:

  - name: "CameraEvent"
    namespace: "security_system"
      name: "SecurityEvent"
      includes: "SecurityEvent.hpp"
      name: "event"
      includes: "security_system.h"
        - member-name: "code"
          condition: "equals"
          value: "CAMERA_EVENT"
      # constructors...
      # functions...
  - name: "GlassBreakEvent"
    namespace: "security_system"
      name: "SecurityEvent"
      includes: "SecurityEvent.hpp"
      name: "event"
      includes: "security_system.h"
        - member-name: "code"
          condition: "equals"
          value: "GLASS_BREAK_EVENT"
      # constructors...
      # functions...
  - name: "MotionEvent"
    namespace: "security_system"
      name: "SecurityEvent"
      includes: "SecurityEvent.hpp"
      name: "event"
      includes: "security_system.h"
        - member-name: "code"
          condition: "equals"
          value: "MOTION_EVENT"
      # constructors...
      # functions...

This will create a class for each of these cases as expected. However, and perhaps more importantly, it will also create a function in the parent SecurityEvent class that can create an event based on an event struct by checking the rules. This function will be called newSecurityEvent and will look like this:

SecurityEvent *SecurityEvent::newSecurityEvent( struct event *equivalent ) {
  if( equivalent->code == CAMERA_EVENT ) {
    return new CameraEvent( equivalent );
  } else if( equivalent->code == GLASS_BREAK_EVENT ) {
    return new GlassBreakEvent( equivalent );
  } else if( equivalent->code == MOTION_EVENT ) {
    return new MotionEvent( equivalent );
  } else {
    return new SecurityEvent( equivalent );

Note that the content of this function is taken directly from the rules list that was defined for each of the children of SecurityEvent. These rules can define the conditions to be checked in a variety of ways - for the complete set of capabilities, see the documentation for the RuleSpec class.

This allows security events to be returned in a way that supports polymorphism in a natural way, like this:

SecurityEvent *ev = SecurityEvent::NextEvent();
ev->Print(); // runs the Print function for the derived class

The full example has a complete implementation of this concept, and can be compiled and run as follows:

# generating the wrapper source code
wrapture security_event.yml

# assuming that you're using sh and have g++
g++ -I . \
    security_system.c CameraEvent.cpp GlassBreakEvent.cpp MotionEvent.cpp \
    SecurityEvent.cpp event_usage.cpp \
    -o event_usage_example

# output:
# motion event: watch out for snakes!
# glass break event: level 3
# camera event: is that bigfoot?
# motion event: watch out for snakes!
# glass break event: level 4