stumpless 2.2.0
No Matches

Demonstrates how to work with a sqlite3 target.

Demonstrates how to work with a sqlite3 target.

release v2.2.0
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Copyright 2023 Joel E. Anderson
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stumpless.h>
// an array of prepared statements to use in our custom prepare function
static sqlite3_stmt *card_stmts[2] = { NULL, NULL };
void *
card_played_prepare( const struct stumpless_entry *entry,
void *data,
size_t *count ) {
sqlite3 *db = data;
const char *card_insert_sql = "INSERT INTO played_cards ( suit, rank ) "
"VALUES ( $suite, $rank )";
int sql_result;
const char *player_insert_sql = "INSERT INTO taken_turns ( player_name ) "
"VALUES ( $name )";
const char *suit;
const char *rank;
const char *name;
if( !card_stmts[0] ) {
sql_result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db,
if( sql_result != SQLITE_OK ) {
printf( "couldn't prepare the played_cards insert stmt: %s\n",
sqlite3_errmsg( db ) );
return NULL;
} else {
sqlite3_reset( card_stmts[0] );
if( !card_stmts[1] ) {
sql_result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db,
if( sql_result != SQLITE_OK ) {
printf( "couldn't prepare the taken_turns insert stmt: %s\n",
sqlite3_errmsg( db ) );
return NULL;
} else {
sqlite3_reset( card_stmts[1] );
suit = stumpless_get_entry_param_value_by_name( entry, "card", "suit" );
rank = stumpless_get_entry_param_value_by_name( entry, "card", "rank" );
name = stumpless_get_entry_param_value_by_name( entry, "player", "name" );
sql_result = sqlite3_bind_text( card_stmts[0],
if( sql_result != SQLITE_OK ) {
printf( "couldn't bind the card suit: %s\n",
sqlite3_errmsg( db ) );
return NULL;
sql_result = sqlite3_bind_text( card_stmts[0],
if( sql_result != SQLITE_OK ) {
printf( "couldn't bind the card rank: %s\n",
sqlite3_errmsg( db ) );
return NULL;
sql_result = sqlite3_bind_text( card_stmts[1],
if( sql_result != SQLITE_OK ) {
printf( "couldn't bind the player name: %s\n",
sqlite3_errmsg( db ) );
return NULL;
free( ( char * ) suit );
free( ( char * ) rank );
free( ( char * ) name );
*count = 2;
return &card_stmts;
main( int argc, char **argv ) {
struct stumpless_target *db_target;
int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
sqlite3 *db;
const char *card_logs_create_sql = "CREATE TABLE card_logs ("
" facility INTEGER NOT NULL,"
" severity INTEGER NOT NULL,"
" timestamp TEXT,"
" structured_data TEXT,"
" message TEXT )";
sqlite3_stmt *card_logs_create_stmt = NULL ;
int sql_result;
const char *card_logs_insert = "INSERT INTO card_logs ( facility, severity,"
" timestamp,"
" structured_data,"
" message )"
"VALUES ( $facility, $severity, $timestamp,"
" $structured_data, $message )";
struct stumpless_entry *entry = NULL;
const char *played_cards_create_sql = "CREATE TABLE played_cards ("
" played_card_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
" suit TEXT,"
" rank TEXT"
sqlite3_stmt *played_cards_create_stmt = NULL;
const char *taken_turns_create_sql = "CREATE TABLE taken_turns ("
" taken_turn_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
" player_name TEXT"
sqlite3_stmt *taken_turns_create_stmt = NULL;
// create the new database (or open the existing one)
db_target = stumpless_open_sqlite3_target( "stumpless_example.sqlite3" );
if( !db_target ) {
stumpless_perror( "couldn't open sqlite3 target" );
result = EXIT_FAILURE;
goto cleanup_and_finish;
// create the default logs table (if it doesn't exist)
// for simplicity, if this fails we simply print a warning and continue
puts( "could not create default table, perhaps it already exists?" );
// send a simple message to our new logs table
stumpless_add_message( db_target, "cards are on the table" );
stumpless_perror( "couldn't send a message to a default SQLite target" );
result = EXIT_FAILURE;
goto cleanup_and_finish;
// after this, an initially empty database would look like this:
// sqlite> SELECT * FROM logs;
// log_id prival version timestamp hostname app_name procid msgid structured_data message
// ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------- ----------------------
// 1 14 1 2023-11-22T04:35:02.909888Z Angus 3090 cards are on the table
// now, let's use our own insertion statement
// we'll need to create a table
db = stumpless_get_sqlite3_db( db_target );
if( !db ) {
stumpless_perror( "couldn't get the underlying database connection!" );
result = EXIT_FAILURE;
goto cleanup_and_finish;
sql_result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db,
if( sql_result != SQLITE_OK ) {
// for simplicity, if this fails we simply print a warning and continue
puts( "could not create card_logs table, perhaps it already exists?" );
} else {
sql_result = sqlite3_step( card_logs_create_stmt );
if( sql_result != SQLITE_DONE ) {
printf( "couldn't create the card_logs table: %s\n",
sqlite3_errmsg( db ) );
result = EXIT_FAILURE;
goto cleanup_and_finish;
// set the target to use our custom insert SQL instead
stumpless_set_sqlite3_insert_sql( db_target, card_logs_insert );
stumpless_perror( "couldn't set the custom insert sql" );
result = EXIT_FAILURE;
goto cleanup_and_finish;
// create a new entry with some structured data
// we ignore the error checking here for brevity
entry = stumpless_new_entry( STUMPLESS_FACILITY_USER,
"a card was played" );
stumpless_add_new_param_to_entry( entry, "card", "suit", "hearts" );
stumpless_add_new_param_to_entry( entry, "card", "rank", "5" );
stumpless_add_new_param_to_entry( entry, "player", "name", "bill" );
// use our custom insert SQL to add to the card_logs table
stumpless_add_entry( db_target, entry );
// here's what the database looks like after this:
// sqlite> SELECT * FROM card_logs;
// log_id facility severity timestamp structured_data message
// ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -----------------
// 1 8 6 2023-11-23T19:05:33.234523Z [card suit="hearts" rank="5"][player name="bill"] a card was played
// finally, let's use a custom preparation function for more structure
// first we create our new tables
sql_result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db,
if( sql_result != SQLITE_OK ) {
// for simplicity, if this fails we simply print a warning and continue
puts( "could not create played_cards table, perhaps it already exists?" );
} else {
sql_result = sqlite3_step( played_cards_create_stmt );
if( sql_result != SQLITE_DONE ) {
printf( "couldn't create the played_cards table: %s\n",
sqlite3_errmsg( db ) );
result = EXIT_FAILURE;
goto cleanup_and_finish;
sql_result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db,
if( sql_result != SQLITE_OK ) {
// for simplicity, if this fails we simply print a warning and continue
puts( "could not create taken_turns table, perhaps it already exists?" );
} else {
sql_result = sqlite3_step( taken_turns_create_stmt );
if( sql_result != SQLITE_DONE ) {
printf( "couldn't create the taken_turns table: %s\n",
sqlite3_errmsg( db ) );
result = EXIT_FAILURE;
goto cleanup_and_finish;
// we only need the db, so we use this as our custom data pointer
stumpless_set_sqlite3_prepare( db_target, &card_played_prepare, db );
stumpless_perror( "couldn't set the custom prepare function" );
result = EXIT_FAILURE;
goto cleanup_and_finish;
// add the same entry again to see it in our new tables
stumpless_add_entry( db_target, entry );
// sqlite> SELECT * FROM played_cards;
// played_card_id suit rank
// -------------- ---------- ----------
// 1 hearts 5
// sqlite> SELECT * FROM taken_turns;
// taken_turn_id player_name
// ------------- -----------
// 1 bill
sqlite3_finalize( card_logs_create_stmt );
sqlite3_finalize( played_cards_create_stmt );
sqlite3_finalize( taken_turns_create_stmt );
sqlite3_finalize( card_stmts[0] );
sqlite3_finalize( card_stmts[1] );
return result;
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION void stumpless_destroy_entry_and_contents(const struct stumpless_entry *entry)
Destroys an entry as well as all elements and params that it contains, freeing any allocated memory.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_entry * stumpless_add_new_param_to_entry(struct stumpless_entry *entry, const char *element_name, const char *param_name, const char *param_value)
Creates a new param and adds it to the given element in the given entry.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION const char * stumpless_get_entry_param_value_by_name(const struct stumpless_entry *entry, const char *element_name, const char *param_name)
Gets the value of the first param from the element with the given name in an entry.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_entry * stumpless_new_entry(enum stumpless_facility facility, enum stumpless_severity severity, const char *app_name, const char *msgid, const char *message,...)
Creates a new entry with the given characteristics.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION void stumpless_perror(const char *prefix)
Prints information about the current error to the error stream.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION bool stumpless_has_error(void)
True if the last call to a stumpless function encountered an error.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION void stumpless_free_all(void)
Closes the default target if it has been opened, frees all memory allocated internally,...
SQLite3 targets allow logs to be sent to a SQLite3 database.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION bool stumpless_close_sqlite3_target_and_db(const struct stumpless_target *target)
Closes a SQLite3 target and its database handle.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_target * stumpless_set_sqlite3_insert_sql(struct stumpless_target *target, const char *sql)
Sets the SQL statement used to insert entries into the database.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION void * stumpless_get_sqlite3_db(const struct stumpless_target *target)
Gets the SQLite3 database handle used by the target.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_target * stumpless_create_default_sqlite3_table(struct stumpless_target *target)
Creates a table in the target's database for use with the default SQLite3 insertion behavior.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_target * stumpless_set_sqlite3_prepare(struct stumpless_target *target, stumpless_sqlite3_prepare_func_t preparer, void *data)
Set the function used to prepare statements for entries to this target.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_target * stumpless_open_sqlite3_target(const char *name)
Opens a SQLite3 target.
A log entry.
Definition entry.h:60
A target that log entries can be sent to.
Definition target.h:140
The main header file for the stumpless logging library.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION int stumpless_add_message(struct stumpless_target *target, const char *message,...)
Adds a message to a given target.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION int stumpless_add_entry(struct stumpless_target *target, const struct stumpless_entry *entry)
Adds an entry into a given target.