stumpless 2.2.0
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sqlite3.h File Reference

SQLite3 targets allow logs to be sent to a SQLite3 database. More...

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 The default SQL statement used to insert entries into a SQLite3 database.


typedef void *(* stumpless_sqlite3_prepare_func_t) (const struct stumpless_entry *entry, void *data, size_t *count)
 A function for generating SQLite3 prepared statements for a given entry.


STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION bool stumpless_close_sqlite3_target_and_db (const struct stumpless_target *target)
 Closes a SQLite3 target and its database handle.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION void stumpless_close_sqlite3_target_only (const struct stumpless_target *target)
 Closes a SQLite3 target, but does not touch the database handle.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_targetstumpless_create_default_sqlite3_table (struct stumpless_target *target)
 Creates a table in the target's database for use with the default SQLite3 insertion behavior.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION void * stumpless_get_sqlite3_db (const struct stumpless_target *target)
 Gets the SQLite3 database handle used by the target.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION const char * stumpless_get_sqlite3_insert_sql (const struct stumpless_target *target)
 Gets the SQL statement used to insert entries into the database.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION stumpless_sqlite3_prepare_func_t stumpless_get_sqlite3_prepare (const struct stumpless_target *target, void **data)
 Gets the preparation function and data pointer used to prepare statements for insertion into the database.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_targetstumpless_open_sqlite3_target (const char *name)
 Opens a SQLite3 target.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_targetstumpless_open_sqlite3_target_from_db (void *db)
 Opens a SQLite3 target with an already-open database handle.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_targetstumpless_open_sqlite3_target_with_options (const char *name, int flags, const char *vfs)
 Opens a SQLite3 target with the provided options.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_targetstumpless_set_sqlite3_insert_sql (struct stumpless_target *target, const char *sql)
 Sets the SQL statement used to insert entries into the database.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_targetstumpless_set_sqlite3_prepare (struct stumpless_target *target, stumpless_sqlite3_prepare_func_t preparer, void *data)
 Set the function used to prepare statements for entries to this target.
STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION void * stumpless_sqlite3_prepare (const struct stumpless_entry *entry, void *data, size_t *count)
 The default prepare function used for SQLite3 targets.

Detailed Description

SQLite3 targets allow logs to be sent to a SQLite3 database.

The database, tables, and fields can be left up to the defaults, or customized as needed.

Thread Safety: MT-Safe Logging to sqlite3 targets is thread safe. A mutex is used to coordinate transactions.

Async Signal Safety: AS-Unsafe lock Logging to sqlite3 targets is not signal safe, as a non-reentrant lock is used to coordinate transactions.

Async Cancel Safety: AC-Unsafe lock Logging to sqlite3 targets is not safe to call from threads that may be asynchronously cancelled, as the cleanup of the lock may not be completed.

release v2.2.0

Macro Definition Documentation


"( prival, version, timestamp, hostname, app_name, procid, msgid," \
" structured_data, message ) " \
"VALUES ( $prival, 1, $timestamp, $hostname, $app_name, $procid, $msgid, " \
"$structured_data, $message )"
A string literal with the name of the table used by default for SQLite3 targets.
Definition config.h:78

The default SQL statement used to insert entries into a SQLite3 database.

release v2.2.0

Typedef Documentation

◆ stumpless_sqlite3_prepare_func_t

typedef void *(* stumpless_sqlite3_prepare_func_t) (const struct stumpless_entry *entry, void *data, size_t *count)

A function for generating SQLite3 prepared statements for a given entry.

See stumpless_set_sqlite3_prepare for the semantics of writing and using a prepare function with SQLite3 targets.

release v2.2.0

Function Documentation

◆ stumpless_close_sqlite3_target_and_db()

STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION bool stumpless_close_sqlite3_target_and_db ( const struct stumpless_target * target)

Closes a SQLite3 target and its database handle.

This function can fail if the database handle cannot be closed. In this case, the target is not closed, and no resources are released.

Thread Safety: MT-Unsafe This function is not thread safe as it destroys resources that other threads would use if they tried to reference this target.

Async Signal Safety: AS-Unsafe lock heap This function is not safe to call from signal handlers due to the destruction of a lock that may be in use as well as the use of the memory deallocation function to release memory.

Async Cancel Safety: AC-Unsafe lock heap This function is not safe to call from threads that may be asynchronously cancelled, as the cleanup of the lock may not be completed, and the memory deallocation function may not be AC-Safe itself.

release v2.2.0
targetThe SQLite3 target to close.
true if the target was closed, and false if not. An error code is set appropriately if the target could not be closed.

◆ stumpless_close_sqlite3_target_only()

STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION void stumpless_close_sqlite3_target_only ( const struct stumpless_target * target)

Closes a SQLite3 target, but does not touch the database handle.

Thread Safety: MT-Unsafe This function is not thread safe as it destroys resources that other threads would use if they tried to reference this target.

Async Signal Safety: AS-Unsafe lock heap This function is not safe to call from signal handlers due to the destruction of a lock that may be in use as well as the use of the memory deallocation function to release memory.

Async Cancel Safety: AC-Unsafe lock heap This function is not safe to call from threads that may be asynchronously cancelled, as the cleanup of the lock may not be completed, and the memory deallocation function may not be AC-Safe itself.

release v2.2.0
targetThe SQLite3 target to close.

◆ stumpless_create_default_sqlite3_table()

STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_target * stumpless_create_default_sqlite3_table ( struct stumpless_target * target)

Creates a table in the target's database for use with the default SQLite3 insertion behavior.

The schema of this table is described below. Note that the value of STUMPLESS_DEFAULT_SQLITE3_TABLE_NAME_STRING is configurable and set at build time for the library.

timestamp TEXT,
hostname TEXT,
app_name TEXT,
procid TEXT,
msgid TEXT,
structured_data TEXT,
message TEXT

Thread Safety: MT-Safe This function is thread safe as a mutex is used to coordinate the table creation with other target modifications.

Async Signal Safety: AS-Unsafe lock Thisi function is not signal safe, as a non-reentrant lock is used to coordinate the read of the target with other potential accesses.

Async Cancel Safety: AC-Unsafe lock This function is not safe to call from threads that may be asynchronously cancelled, as the cleanup of the lock used for the target may not be completed.

release v2.2.0
targetThe target to create the default table in.
The modified target if no error is encountered. If an error is encountered, then NULL is returned and an error code is set appropriately.

◆ stumpless_get_sqlite3_db()

STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION void * stumpless_get_sqlite3_db ( const struct stumpless_target * target)

Gets the SQLite3 database handle used by the target.

The database handle is used by stumpless sqlite3 routines, and serialized using an internal mutex. When you use this handle outside of the library, you must ensure that your operations are also thread safe without this mutex, for example by using the SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX or SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX options.

Thread Safety: MT-Safe This function is thread safe as a mutex is used to coordinate the retrieval of the handle with other target modifications.

Async Signal Safety: AS-Unsafe lock Thisi function is not signal safe, as a non-reentrant lock is used to coordinate the read of the target with other potential accesses.

Async Cancel Safety: AC-Unsafe lock This function is not safe to call from threads that may be asynchronously cancelled, as the cleanup of the lock used for the target may not be completed.

release v2.2.0
The sqlite3 database handle for this target, a sqlite3 *. The return type is void * so that all users of stumpless do not have to have sqlite3 types defined in order to include the headers.

◆ stumpless_get_sqlite3_insert_sql()

STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION const char * stumpless_get_sqlite3_insert_sql ( const struct stumpless_target * target)

Gets the SQL statement used to insert entries into the database.

See stumpless_set_sqlite3_insert_sql to change this statement.

Thread Safety: MT-Safe This function is thread safe as a mutex is used to coordinate the retrieval of the SQL statement with other target modifications.

Async Signal Safety: AS-Unsafe lock Thisi function is not signal safe, as a non-reentrant lock is used to coordinate the read of the target with other potential accesses.

Async Cancel Safety: AC-Unsafe lock This function is not safe to call from threads that may be asynchronously cancelled, as the cleanup of the lock used for the target may not be completed.

release v2.2.0
targetThe target to get the insert SQL from.
The current SQL used to insert entries into the database, as a UTF-8 encoded string. If an error occurs then NULL is returned and an error is set appropriately.

◆ stumpless_get_sqlite3_prepare()

STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION stumpless_sqlite3_prepare_func_t stumpless_get_sqlite3_prepare ( const struct stumpless_target * target,
void ** data )

Gets the preparation function and data pointer used to prepare statements for insertion into the database.

See stumpless_set_sqlite3_prepare to change this function.

Thread Safety: MT-Safe This function is thread safe as a mutex is used to coordinate the retrieval of the function with other target modifications.

Async Signal Safety: AS-Unsafe lock Thisi function is not signal safe, as a non-reentrant lock is used to coordinate the read of the target with other potential accesses.

Async Cancel Safety: AC-Unsafe lock This function is not safe to call from threads that may be asynchronously cancelled, as the cleanup of the lock used for the target may not be completed.

release v2.2.0
targetThe target to get the prepare function from.
dataA pointer to a variable where the data pointer should be written to. If this is NULL, then it is ignored.
The current prepare function for the target. If an error occurs then NULL is returned and an error is set appropriately.

◆ stumpless_open_sqlite3_target()

STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_target * stumpless_open_sqlite3_target ( const char * name)

Opens a SQLite3 target.

This is equivalent to calling stumpless_open_sqlite3_target_with_options with SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE as the flags and NULL as the VFS module name.

Thread Safety: MT-Safe race:name This function is thread safe, of course assuming that name is not modified by any other threads during execution.

Async Signal Safety: AS-Unsafe heap This function is not safe to call from signal handlers due to the use of memory allocation functions.

Async Cancel Safety: AC-Unsafe heap This function is not safe to call from threads that may be asynchronously cancelled, as the memory allocation function may not be AC-Safe itself.

release v2.2.0
nameThe name of the database to open.
The opened target if no error is encountered. In the event of an error, NULL is returned and an error code is set appropriately.

◆ stumpless_open_sqlite3_target_from_db()

STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_target * stumpless_open_sqlite3_target_from_db ( void * db)

Opens a SQLite3 target with an already-open database handle.

This function allows a specialized database to be opened, or an existing handle to be used. For example, if an in-memory database is needed, it can be opened and then passed to this function for logging.

Note that there are two close functions for SQLite3 targets: stumpless_close_sqlite3_target_and_db and stumpless_close_sqlite3_target_only. Be sure to call the appropriate one depending on whether you want this handle to be closed when the target is closed.

Thread Safety: MT-Safe This function is thread safe.

Async Signal Safety: AS-Unsafe heap This function is not safe to call from signal handlers due to the use of memory allocation functions.

Async Cancel Safety: AC-Unsafe heap This function is not safe to call from threads that may be asynchronously cancelled, as the memory allocation function may not be AC-Safe itself.

release v2.2.0
dbThe database handle to use. This should be a sqlite3 *, though it is not declared as such so that sqlite3 headers are not required.
The opened target if no error is encountered. In the event of an error, NULL is returned and an error code is set appropriately.

◆ stumpless_open_sqlite3_target_with_options()

STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_target * stumpless_open_sqlite3_target_with_options ( const char * name,
int flags,
const char * vfs )

Opens a SQLite3 target with the provided options.

The three parameters are passed directly to sqlite3_open_v2.

Thread Safety: MT-Safe race:name race:vfs This function is thread safe, of course assuming that name and vfs are not modified by any other threads during execution.

Async Signal Safety: AS-Unsafe heap This function is not safe to call from signal handlers due to the use of memory allocation functions.

Async Cancel Safety: AC-Unsafe heap This function is not safe to call from threads that may be asynchronously cancelled, as the memory allocation function may not be AC-Safe itself.

release v2.2.0
nameThe name of the database to open.
flagsFlags as defined for sqlite3_open_v2.
vfsThe name of the VFS module to use as defined by sqlite3_open_v2.
The opened target if no error is encountered. In the event of an error, NULL is returned and an error code is set appropriately.

◆ stumpless_set_sqlite3_insert_sql()

STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_target * stumpless_set_sqlite3_insert_sql ( struct stumpless_target * target,
const char * sql )

Sets the SQL statement used to insert entries into the database.

Thread Safety: MT-Safe This function is thread safe as a mutex is used to coordinate the changes with other target modifications.

Async Signal Safety: AS-Unsafe lock Thisi function is not signal safe, as a non-reentrant lock is used to coordinate the read of the target with other potential accesses.

Async Cancel Safety: AC-Unsafe lock This function is not safe to call from threads that may be asynchronously cancelled, as the cleanup of the lock used for the target may not be completed.

release v2.2.0
targetThe target to set the insert SQL for.
sqlThe new SQL insertion statement to use for the target. This string must be valid for the duration of its use in the target, as a pointer to it is kept internally.
The modified target on success, or NULL on failure. In the event of failure an error code is set appropriately.

◆ stumpless_set_sqlite3_prepare()

STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION struct stumpless_target * stumpless_set_sqlite3_prepare ( struct stumpless_target * target,
stumpless_sqlite3_prepare_func_t preparer,
void * data )

Set the function used to prepare statements for entries to this target.

Preparation functions take three arguments: the entry that is being sent to the database target, a pointer provided when the function is set, and an output parameter where the number of prepared statements to use is written. The function should return a pointer to an array of prepared statements that should be committed to the database for the entry, or NULL if an error occurs. The default prepare function is stumpless_sqlite3_prepare, which is a good place to look for an example.

Note that the return type is a void * instead of the actual type of sqlite3_stmt **. This is so that the SQLite3 headers are not needed.

Be careful when using a custom prepare function in builds where SQLite was directly embedded into Stumpless instead of dynamically linked. If this is the case, using a single databse handle in both SQLite functions compiled into Stumpless and SQLite functions compiled in a separate module may cause serious issues, for example due to static data structures. The example sqlite3_example.c does this, and is a good way to check if you are in this situation as it will fail in this scenario.

Thread Safety: MT-Safe This function is thread safe as a mutex is used to coordinate accesses of the target structures.

Async Signal Safety: AS-Unsafe lock Thisi function is not signal safe, as a non-reentrant lock is used to coordinate the read of the target with other potential accesses.

Async Cancel Safety: AC-Unsafe lock This function is not safe to call from threads that may be asynchronously cancelled, as the cleanup of the lock used for the target may not be completed.

release v2.2.0
targetThe target to set the function for.
preparerThe new prepare function to use in the target.
dataA pointer that will be passed to the prepare function on each invocation.
The modified target on success, or NULL on failure. In the event of failure an error code is set appropriately.

◆ stumpless_sqlite3_prepare()

STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION void * stumpless_sqlite3_prepare ( const struct stumpless_entry * entry,
void * data,
size_t * count )

The default prepare function used for SQLite3 targets.

This function will generate a single prepared statement based on the target's current insert SQL statement. See stumpless_set_sqlite3_insert_sql for how to set the SQL used by this function.

Thread Safety: MT-Safe This function is thread safe as a mutex is used to coordinate accesses of the entry and target structures.

Async Signal Safety: AS-Unsafe lock Thisi function is not signal safe, as a non-reentrant lock is used to coordinate the read of the target with other potential accesses.

Async Cancel Safety: AC-Unsafe lock This function is not safe to call from threads that may be asynchronously cancelled, as the cleanup of the lock used for the target may not be completed.

release v2.2.0
entryThe entry to prepare the statement based on.
dataThe internal SQLite3 target structure.
countA pointer to an output variable where the number of valid prepared statements will be written to.
A pointer to an array of sqlite3_stmt pointers on success, or NULL on failure. In the event of failure an error code is set appropriately.